New! FCL Cushion Series from DADCO

DADCO is pleased to introduce a new line of cushion series nitrogen gas springs. The FCL Series is a mini-sized gas spring with a cushioned return during the last 2-4 mm of stroke to reduce both return force and the increase in force during travel.

The FCL Series is available in two models: FCL.503 and FCL.755. The diameter of FCL.503 is 44.5, with force-on-contact of 302 daN. The FCL.755 has a diameter of 50, with a force-on-contact of 471 daN. Both FCL models have stroke lengths up to 125 mm and are well-suited for die-driven cam applications.

A four-page, full-color bulletin containing ordering examples, operating specifications, and application examples is available from DADCO.

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